Admittedly, all the underwater photographers have their favourite subject that they would like to photograph during their diving career. Whether all their wishes will be fulfilled is questionable. Especially when it's a hairy octopus. So rare that most underwater photographers can only dream of this motif. For us, it was a dream come true. Without doubt - the hairy jackpot!

A place where the world's elite underwater photographers come together? A place where a bizarre microcosm full of crazy creatures can be found? That's Lembeh! Dive down with us into a sandy wasteland, full of mini monsters and abnormal ugliness. Creatures so extraordinary and bizarre that they can only be found in such exorbitant numbers here in the legendary Lembeh Strait.

If there is a critter capital in the realm of our oceans, for us it would be Bangka on North Sulawesi with its obscure cabinet of curiosities. Weird creatures that seem to outdo each other in their colourful appearance. For us, the dive sites around Sea Souls Dive Resort are a wonderland and an endless playground for underwater photographers.


Deep in the heart of the North Moluccas, we dived a second time in the warm waters around Kusu Island. Once again an obscure and bizarre army of darkness and extravagance awaits us. Pontohi pygmy seahorses and colorful nudis everywhere. Bright pink squad lobsters and tiny spiny tiger prawns - definitely an underwater photographer's paradise.


On the island of Rinca, in the northern part of the Komodo National Park, we portrayed some of the last free-living Komodo dragons in the world. In the depths of the Indonesian Jurassic Park, hidden in the thorny thicket, a deeply forked tongue lashes out across the dusty ground. In awe, we spot and photograph our first almost fully-grown Komodo dragon.


Clear the stage for strange creatures, freaky critters and some color overkill. No sooner have we left the world of Alor above water than bizarre and crazy protagonists present themselves to our underwater circus. Say hello to the legendary Rhinopia, the funny bumblebee shrimp and some really hairy frogfish. Alor - a perfect muck diving area and a boundless Eldorado for macro fetishists.